Sunday, December 6, 2009


Well, I haven't updated in several days. I've been absolutely exhausted. My last post was about my upcoming Dr visit. Well I went and received exactly the news I was expecting. I haven't been well and am getting sick. My lung function is still amazingly well especially for a CFer. I'm still at 89% which really really shocked me! But for me that is still low. I use to always be at 99 or 100%! So we decided that it was time for a hospital stay, a "tune up".

Now, I haven't been hospitalized since I was 2 years old. With the exception of elective, scheduled surgeries. And even when I was 2 it was a sinus infection rather than lung infection. Right now it's kind of a combination of both.

My Dr's appointment was Wednesday. But with availability and whatnot at the hospital I wasn't admitted until Thursday. Which was totally ok with me. My boyfriend was also in Ft Worth last week so he took me out to dinner and then back to the hotel to watch a movie. After two months of dating that was actually our first real date. It was the best, the perfect night before a week in the hospital. It was quiet, didn't take a lot of energy, just what I needed to not stress out before coming in. So thanks to him for such a great evening. I'm pretty sure I've told him multiple times but if he reads this, I'm saying it again!

So the hospital stay: Thursday I got in and found out the plan. Get an IV to start antibiotics and wait till I can get a PICC line. Took two nurses and 3 attempts to finally get my IV and it was irritated the entire time I had it in. Then they started me on two antibiotics. The first was a newer antibiotic that they've found to be effective. I did fine with that. The second was Vancomycin. It is used for MRSA which I have and have had for several years now. But I've never been treated with IV antibiotics and Vanc only comes in IV form. The vanc was awful. I've never taken it before and I had an allergic reaction to it. If you've never had an allergic reaction I hope you never do! It was the most horrible experience I think I've ever had. What really sucks is it was made worse by the nurse taking care of me. Anyway, that made the first night a really not good night. And I didn't sleep, They came to put my PICC line in at 2am which I was not going to complain about because I wanted that IV out of my arm!!! But by Friday morning I was feeling better, just tired. I continued to get the first antibiotic they gave me and still had no problem with it. I had two friends and my aunt here all day friday to take care of me! (but i didn't sleep) Friday afternoon, Dr Davis came by and we discussed other options since I couldn't have the vanc. We decided on another antibiotic that is also very strong. It has done fine also. So yay for no more reactions!!! Friday night Laura stayed the night with me! And i got great sleep. However, Saturday I was exhausted. I think the new antibiotics, the reaction, the whole hospital stay all caught up with me while I was sleeping Friday night. So I did nothing but lounge. I napped, layed in bed and watched movies with Laura, and started reading a new book. Mom and my Uncle Wes and Christina all got here Saturday afternoon and brought me good food for supper! Taryn had to go back to Amarillo and Laura had things to do over the weekend as well. So I was glad to have my mom! Today has been better than yesterday. I'm still tired, but did get up and at least walk down to the cafeteria with mom. But I still slept and napped a lot of the day! And every day, I've done tons of breathing treatments. I get 4 at about 7:30-8 every morning, 1 at 12:00, 1 at 4:00, 3 at 8:00pm and 1 more at 11:00. That's a total of 10 breathing treatments a day, and 5 doses of antibiotics a day!! That might also explain why Im so tired!! So, I guess they are getting me well. Right now I'm just so tired it's hard to tell! No, really tho, I am feeling better. And the whole time I've been here my Aunt Daphne has been taking great care of me. She's brought me snacks, meals, washed my dirty clothes, and just been here. She's great!! And Taryn and her mom drove from amarillo/lubbock just to see me. And Laura has been here to lay in bed with me and watch movies and just be here. And then Uncle Wes and Christina came in for the weekend. And of course my mom!! Love the visitors!!

It's not the most exciting thing in the world, but I'm glad to be here. I know it's what I needed to get really well. And now when I get home, I'll have a little more energy and be into the habit more of doing all of these things on my own to keep myself well. Thanks to everyone for all of the encouragement, thoughts, and prayers that have been sent my way! It means alot to me and keeps me going while I'm here and will when I get home to!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Doctor Visits

Well I'm going to the Dr tomorrow. I wasn't scheduled to go until the 16th of December which is still two weeks away. But I haven't been feeling good. So, I called to see if they wanted to call me in something until I come (which I didn't really want them to do) or reschedule and "squeeze" me in this week. Turns out they could squeeze me in Wednesday! So, I set off to Ft Worth this morning, in the snow and rain, by myself, for the first time ever! I made it safe and sound with no problems. I don't like driving long distance!! But, I made it!

I'm curious, anxious, stressed, and a little worried about how this visit is going to go. I've been noncompliant (as I've said before) for almost all of my adult life. And recently, because of how I've felt, decided that I'm an adult now and must be in control of my health. Now, I'm paying for my stubborn noncompliance! I don't feel good at all, and I'm typically not one to complain. I have taken my good health for granted that's for sure. So now it's really time to get the ball rolling and not let it stop!

I will be sure and post how the appointment goes tomorrow as soon as I can! I've still been doing pretty good with the things I've been doing to take care of myself. Still only miss my sinus flushes occassionally. The vest CPT I'm still working on but better than I've ever been before and still getting better. And I'm doing great with all my pills. I remember my enzymes most of the time now, only forgetting once every other day or so and that's something I've Never been good with! So I'm still quite proud of myself. Hopefully the Dr sees that I'm serious about this and isn't to mad at me for my noncompliance! And hopefully he knows what's best to fix me now that I've started what feels like a little bit of a downward slide! He'll get me trecking back up the mountain soon!