Thursday, November 19, 2009

Great day today!!

I had a great day today, which is very surprising considering last night was my 3rd night at work and I only took a 2.5 hr nap after getting home from work this morning. Typically on my first day off after 3 in a row, I'm not a very nice person just because I'm tired and don't feel well. In fact, I'm pretty sure working nights has a lot to do with why I haven't felt as good lately and part of what led me to decide to start taking care of myself.

Moving on to why I had such a great day. I was very productive today, which just makes me feel good! Most of it was making a little progress on my house (most of this blogging will be about CF but everynow and then I'll throw in other things in my life like work, friends, and the house I've recently bought and am in the process of flipping, after all, there is more to me than just CF) But the best part came this evening. We had our first planning meeting for the CF walk that will be in May. Last year I was involved but only minimally because I was still in a fairly new relationship, was still pretty new at work, and was still trying to adjust to a lot of changes I had made in my life. This year I am much more stable and settled down. I am still in a Very new relationship (different one that last year for clarification) and am still about to change living situations, but I'm settled back in in Lubbock and very settled in at work. So this year I have a little more to dedicate to the walk. So I'm really pumped about it. I'm taking a bigger part in the planning and in making the community aware about CF and getting people involved. I used to be very shy! I never felt comfortable asking people to donate to the CF walk and things like that. I've finally realized that the community needs to be made more aware and the only way that's going to happen is if all of us CFers stand up and make them aware...this includes me! Besides, the worst that can happen is they can say no. So, this year I'm actively involved in getting sponsors and donations as well as going to be a media person and get to be on tv stations and radio shows to raise awareness about CF and the walk! I really am sooooo excited, I've been giddy about it all night! It's nice to be this excited about something that previously in my life, I haven't been so excited about.

It's great to say that I have a new perspective on CF. I won't say that I've ever hated it, but I've definitely not been excited about it. But thanks to a few people and events in recent months, I have a new outlook on it, and it's no longer something i "have to deal with" but something i "Get to do" and a way to inspire people and meet people. Maybe 24 yrs old is a little late to finally have this aspect on CF but better than never having it right? So, I'm glad that I finally have a better outlook, motivation, a great support system, and courage(?not sure that's really the word i want but i'm lacking the ability to find the right word on what little sleep i've had in the last 24 hours!) to get out there and be proactive!

Another good part of the night: I went to a presentation tonight put on by a group called "Invisible Children" A good friend of mine that I grew up with at church, Melissa, is a part of this group. They are raising awareness and support about/for a child army called the "Lord's Resistance Army" in Uganda(i think) and she's been touring Tx to rais awareness for the last 10 weeks. It was awesome to see her so passionate about something and dedicating her entire life for at least the last 10 weeks to this cause. This is something that she isn't even directly affected by but she is so passionate and proactive in this cause. It was great for me to see that. It just increases my motivation to raise awareness about CF even more!

Im so lucky to be blessed the way i am. God is truly amazing, and i've been sooo stubborn, but He's never given up on me and I know He never will.

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