Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why I'm here

So, I've been wanting to do this whole blog thing for a while, but didn't really think I had a reason. However, I've found a reason in the last couple of weeks. I have Cystic Fibrosis. Up to this point in my life, I've been pretty fortunate with my health. CF is weird because there are so many variations in its severity. I have a pretty mild case. But I've had friends and known others who were very sick and some who died at a very young age. God has really blessed me!! Moving on, my reason for the blog in part is to hold myself accountable. I am very noncompliant with my healthcare. And by very, I mean completely. There have been many times in my post-highschool life that I've said, "Now I'm going to do it. I'm going to be compliant and take care of myself" And I have for a month, maybe two. And then it gets old or I get busy or whatev...I always have an excuse. But its never a good one! I'm an adult. I know how serious my disease is, and I know how fast it can turn upside down and my health can snowball downhill. And in the last 4-5 years, I haven't been as healthy as I was in highschool and before then. I don't feel as good as I could and I do get sick much easier than I used to. My cough is worse than its EVER been, I can hardly breath my sinuses are so clogged up, and I lose any ounce of energy I have very quickly. So, its time that I get serious about it and take care of myself. In the past, when I've committed to taking care of myself and being compliant, I've tried to do it all at once. The treatment I need to be doing is alot. I am supposed to take enzymes every time I eat to digest my food. I'm supposed to do 3-4 nebulizer breathing treatments two times a day, along with chest percussion therapy (CPT) with a vest. I'm supposed to do saline nasal flushes twice a day (my main problem with CF is CHRONIC sinus infections) And I'm supposed to take a variety of other medications including but not limited to: prilosec, calcium, advair, vitamins, mucinex, and off and on antibiotics and steriods. And I know there's something I'm leaving out, but since I've been noncompliant I can't remember what all there is right now. So trying to start all of that at once can be a little overwhelming and I have to say that's part of why my motivation never lasts more than a month or so. So, I'm a smart girl. I know that when you try something over and over again the same exact way and it never works-you need a new method. I haven't been to see my CF specialist since February (which is not good, that's far to long and they will not be happy with me when I go). But I'm scheduled to go in December (that's the soonest appointment I could get) So while I'm waiting to go, I don't have all of the medications I'm supposed to be on. I have some of the pills but not the breathing treatments. So my new method is, I need to take this a little at a time. Step 1: I started doing my saline nasal flushes about 2 weeks ago. I think I've only missed 2 days. And in the last week, I've even done it twice a day for 3-4 days. And, I've been taking most of my pills. The enzymes I haven't had every time I eat. Its not that I just don't do it, its that I just don't think about it. The thought really doesn't cross my mind that I just ate so I need to take medicine. But I'm working on it. So I have this step just about down!! Time for step 2. I'm going to start doing my CPT with my vest. I know it won't be as helpful without the breathing treatments. But if I can start getting myself into the habit of doing this, when I add the breathing treatments back in, it wont be so hard!

Point is, I know I'm lucky for how healthy I am. I don't deserve it, I really take my health for granted. But I AM going to do this. I'm going to be proactive in my healthcare. One day I hope to have a family of my own, and I have to be as healthy as possible if I want to be around for them. I know that I could lose my health in the passing of just a single day. That's not a risk I'm willing to take any longer. So, with this blog, I hope to have friends who will help hold me accountable, and help encourage me. Be my "cheerleaders" in the course of learning to be compliant and take care of myself. This is going to be a long road, but well worth it!! I'm ready for it!!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that you are trying to get a handle on your health! It is soooo so hard to change a routine, but I know you can do it! It only takes a few weeks before it is a habit!! Good luck, Erin!

