Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day

It's been a week since I posted anything. And part of that is because I kinda slacked off. I thought that it would be harder for me to do all the treatments etc i have to do on days that I work and easier on days I'm off. Turns out I have it backwards. On days I work, I actually have a routine and a schedule, whereas days I'm off I never know what's going to be happening and what I'll be doing. So I had the weekend off and was fairly busy. So taking care of myself slid off the bench a little. I skipped two days of doing my sinus flushes and 4 days of my CPT which is not good. But I'm openly admitting it, which is what this is for. Something to hold me accountable and I can't lie! However, on a better note, I've gotten much better about taking the pills. I've remembered them at least over half but maybe not quite 3/4 of the time. Somewhere in between that! but that's an improvement and right now that's all I'm asking for is a little improvement. I'm still not feeling great on a daily basis and I'm a little worried about my visit to the Dr coming up in a few weeks. But I know that God will take care of me and no matter what happens I'll be ok and I don't need to worry about it!

On to other things. It's always appropriate on this day to remember what we are thankful for. God has done so many amazing things in my life over the last year and even more recently! I am so thankful for the new support system I've found online from other CFers!! It is so amazing to me that this huge support group was here that I never even thought about! Its wonderful! And I'm also very thankful for the support group I have locally! We don't get to see each other often but we always know there is someone there who understands it all. And since we've just started the planning for the CF walk next year I'm soo excited and have a new found motivation to make people aware! I'm soo pumped about it! I am so thankful for my family! They have done so much for me in the last 6 months: Let me move back into their house, then add a dog, then add a second dog, all my stuff, and i've taken a ton of their time and energy working at my house to get it ready for me to move in. And I know we've all gotten frustrated with each other at times but we know the love we have and we get over it very quickly. My parents have worked so hard and I can't thank them enough. My uncle has also spent many hours at my house doing the harder stuff that my mom and I don't have the equipment to do or the skills to do. He has worked very hard and donated his time and energy as well! My little brother isn't to bad either, he's helped out alot to!! I'm thankful for my health. I feel like its sliding downhill lately but I'm still much healthier than I could be. And I'm soooo thankful for that! And I'm thankful for my friends. They are there without fail anytime I need them. There for a good laugh, a shoulder to cry on, a night out, or a night in. Whatever I need, they are there! And I'm thankful for my job! I got to delivery the first baby on thanksgiving day (at covenant at least) around 1 am this morning. There's nothing like being there for the beginning of a new life! I love my job!! And of course, like many in the country right now, I'm thankful for the country I live in and that I have the ability to write whatever i want in this blog. Thanks to all the men and women who sacrifice their time, lives, family etc, to give us the freedom we have!

I guess I'll wrap it up with that! there are of course many more things I'm thankful for but those are the most prominent on my mind at the moment. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and remembers all that God has given us!

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