Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Keep it up

So, Ive kept up with my promise from the last post. I've added in my vest percussion therapy treatments. I didn't actually think I'd start doing them until tomorrow because I've worked the last two nights and work again tonight, but I've done it for 3 days now! I wasn't sure that this would be very effective without the nebulizer medication treatments. But rest assured everyone, it still works! Maybe not as well, but it's definitely got me hacking a little more than usual. I'm such a weird CF patient. Most, as far as I know, are constantly coughing stuff up. They have a very productive cough. Me on the other hand, I just cough. Nothing ever comes up. My cough sounds horrible, like I'm an 80 yr old woman who's been smoking since I was 12. When I was in jr. high school, some how it came to be called my "smawckers coke" (i really don't even know how that's supposed to be spelled!) You know how sometimes you get talking to fast and mix up words?....I think that's where it came from. anyway, my cough has always been a good joke with my friends. But it was still atypical for a CFer because nothing ever comes from it. And Dr visits are never fun because you have to cough something up and it always takes me FOREVER!! and a few times i never could get anything and they just swab your throat, which is also no fun!! So, now, doing my vest treatments is really getting things moving and I've actually coughed some up. (sorry for any of you who aren't CFers, this post may be absolutely disgusting!!) And this is another reason I decided to start taking care of myself...I was actually coughing stuff up on my own sometimes. So I can't wait to see what happens when I get prescriptions refilled and actually have the medicine along with the vest!

As far as everything else goes, I'm still doing my sinus flushes, most days twice a day but sometimes just once. And still only remembering my enzymes about 1/3 of the time but working on it still!! If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can remember to take them, I would greatly appreciate it!! Nothing else is really new, I'm just very tired. Work is kinda kicking my butt!! I love my job and I wouldn't trade it for anything. But working nights is hard on anyone! So throw in a chronic illness and an already screwed up sleeping pattern and it's almost impossible sometimes. But I'm doing it and trying to sleep good during the day on the nights I work. And we just got our new schedules from now till mid december....I think it's really gonna kick my butt over the next four weeks. But we'll see how it goes!

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